Final Healthy Homes Compliance Date Looms

Yes that’s right, there is still time to comply – but not long!

Whilst most owners have already brought their properties up to the healthy homes standards some time ago, those who are renting their property for the first time, or have been holding off, now have a limited timescale to achieve compliance, with less than 12 months to go to the final deadline of 1st July 2025.

After this date, all private rentals in New Zealand must comply with the healthy homes standards in full.

Breaches of this deadline could see property owners and managers face fines of up to $7,200 and be issued work orders to have the work done anyway – so the time to act is now if there is work to be done to achieve compliance.

Those who do find themselves in that position would be wise to get the ball rolling with any remedial work sooner rather than later in order to avoid potential delays nearer to the compliance deadline or missing it completely.

Just Property has been working with our clients since the inception of the standards back in 2019 and has great relationships with Healthy Homes assessors and suppliers to check and organise any work required.

If your property does not comply, or you need some guidance and advice on the standards feel free to reach out to us and we would be happy to discuss how we might be able to help.

Find out more on the Tenancy Services website.

James Moran