Does Your Property Meet The Newest Healthy Homes Update?

In late 2021 the government announced there would be some updates to the healthy homes standards. These have finally come to fruition and as of May 2022 the updated standards have come into effect. The changes include:

A new formula for the heating standard – Properties built to the 2008 building code, upgraded to the 2009 insulation & glazing standards and certain apartments can now use a revised heating calculation which takes into account the improved standards of these properties versus older housing stock. The new calculator will usually mean these properties will generally have a lower heating requirement.

Changes to compliance timeframes – To support the changes to the heating standard the timeline for compliance for properties that fall under the revised heating standard has been extended to the 12th February 2023 in the majority of cases.

Increased allowance for existing heating – Heat pumps installed prior to 1 st July 2019 now only need to meet 80% of the heating requirement, reduced from 90%. This means if you were required to have 5kw of heating output your existing heat pump qualifies if it is 4kw, when previously it would have been required to have a heating capacity of 4.5kw.

Updated ventilation standard – the revision now allows for certain continual ventilation systems to qualify for the standard. There are requirements that need to be met under the revision including that the system must extract air outdoors.

Other updates – clarification around exemption criteria for the requirement for a moisture barrier and recognition of the use of geothermal heating to meet the heating standard for applicable properties.

For a full list of the updates and further information check out the tenancy services website or contact one of the team today to discuss how we can help cure your healthy homes headaches!


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James Moran